"The Marvels," the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has managed to set a new low for the franchise, and th...
Epic Games has stressed that the three newly-released Fortnite games are not limited time modes and will be sticking aro...
"Blade Runner," oh, where do I start? This 1982 sci-fi spectacle, set in a dystopian future Los Angeles circa 2019, trie...
Nintendo’s flagship releases tend to have a well-earned reputation of releasing in a more polished state than most AAA t...
CD Projekt RED has announced that Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition will launch on December 5th. It’s launching digitally...
Gunfire Games’ first paid DLC for Remnant 2 is now available with The Awakened King. It adds a new location in Losomn, a...
Konami has released patch ver.1.3.0 for Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1, updating the online manuals for all...
Famitsu awards the remake a 34 out of 40, praising the visuals and new mechanics. It's out on November 17th for Nintendo...