Series Review: Star Trek Discovery

Series Review

Ah, Star Trek Discovery. What a show! I mean, who needs coherent storytelling, fleshed-out characters, or adherence to established canon when you can have flashy visuals and lens flares, right?

Let's start with the protagonist, Michael Burnham. She's supposed to be a brilliant officer, but she's also insubordinate and constantly making reckless decisions that endanger the crew. And yet, she never really faces any consequences for her actions. What a role model!

And don't even get me started on the Klingons. Sure, they're supposed to be a proud warrior race, but in this show, they're just grunting, ugly monsters with no personality or depth. It's almost like the writers didn't even bother to research the rich history and culture of the Klingon Empire.

And then there's the plot. Or should I say, the lack thereof? It feels like the writers just threw a bunch of random ideas and plot twists into a blender and called it a day. There's no real sense of direction or purpose, and the show just keeps jumping from one crisis to the next without any real resolution.

But hey, at least the special effects are nice, right? Who cares about good storytelling and character development when you can have pretty lights and explosions? In conclusion, Star Trek Discovery is a great example of style over substance, and a perfect reminder of why we should never settle for mediocrity in our entertainment.

As I was saying, it's really a shame that Star Trek Discovery couldn't live up to its predecessors. It's like the showrunners tried to pack in as much action and drama as possible, but forgot about the heart and soul that made Star Trek so great in the first place. Instead of exploring new worlds and encountering strange civilizations, we're stuck watching Michael Burnham save the universe (again) while barely giving the other characters any development.

And don't even get me started on the Klingons. They look like they've been hit in the face with a frying pan and speak in a weird guttural language that's barely intelligible. I understand that the show wanted to give them a new look, but this was not the way to do it. It's like the showrunners took everything that was iconic about the Klingons and threw it out the window.

The pacing of the show is also all over the place. Sometimes it feels like we're just getting started with a storyline, and then suddenly it's resolved in the next episode. And the way the show jumps back and forth in time is confusing and unnecessary. It's like the writers wanted to make the show as convoluted as possible just for the sake of it.

Overall, I was extremely disappointed with Star Trek Discovery. It felt like a cheap knockoff of the Star Trek universe, trying to be edgy and different but ultimately falling flat. If you're a die-hard fan of the franchise, you might find some enjoyment in it, but for everyone else, I'd recommend giving this one a miss.

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